Bigger leaner stronger pdf
Bigger leaner stronger pdf

  • LEANING - a tendency to be interested in a subject, sport, way of life, etc.
  • STRONG - (DIFFICULT TO BREAK) -er, -est - difficult to break, destroy or make illThe window is made from very strong ….
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  • STRONG - adjective COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a 10-strong/14-strong etc team (= one with 10, 14 etc people ) ▪ A six-strong ….
  • LEANING - ( leanings) Your particular leanings are the beliefs, ideas, or aims you hold or a tendency you have towards them.
  • STRONG - ( stronger /strɒŋgə(r), AM strɔ:ŋgər/, strongest /strɒŋgɪst, AM strɔ:ŋgɪst/ ) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most …Ĭollins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary.
  • having the power of resistance able to withstand great force or opposition not … (stronger strongest) 1 having the power of resistance able to withstand great force or opposition not …
  • LEANING - lean ‧ ing /ˈliːnɪŋ/ BrE AmE noun a tendency to prefer or agree with a particular set of beliefs, ….
  • Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • STRONG - strong S1 W1 /strɒŋ $ strɒːŋ/ BrE AmE adjective ( comparative stronger, superlative strongest ) [ Word Family: verb ….
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    LEANING - / ˈliːnɪŋ NAmE / noun leaning (toward(s) sth) a tendency to prefer sth or to believe ….Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary est / -gɪst NAmE /) HAVING PHYSICAL POWER 1.STRONG - / strɒŋ NAmE strɔːŋ/ adjective ( strong.syn leaning, propensity, proclivity, penchant mean … LEANING - n (15c): a definite but not decisive attraction or tendency-often used in pl.OE strang akin to OHG strengi strong, L stringere to bind tight-more at … STRONG - adj stron.ger stron.gest [ME, fr.LEANING - ■ noun a tendency or partiality.noun the act, or state, of inclining inclination tendency as, a leaning towards ….superl vigorous effective forcible powerful.superl solid nourishing as, strong meat.STRONG - superl violent vehement earnest ardent.LEANING - Date: 15th century : a definite but not decisive attraction or tendency - often used in plural radical leaning s ….Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary gest ˈstrȯŋ-gəst also -əst) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English strang akin to ….

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    inclination tendency: strong literary leanings.

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    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary strawng, strong/, adj., stronger /strawng"geuhr, strong"-/, … ) The act, or state, of inclining inclination tendency as, a leaning towards Calvinism. Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary ) Adapted to make a deep or effectual impression on the mind or imagination striking or superior of … LEANING - (n.) The act, or state, of inclining inclination tendency as, a leaning towards Calvinism.STRONG - (superl.) Adapted to make a deep or effectual impression on the mind or imagination striking or superior of the kind ….LEANING -niŋ, -nēŋ noun ( -s ) Etymology: Middle English leninge, from Old English hlinung, hlining, from hleonian, hlinian to lean ….Webster's New International English Dictionary gest -ŋgə̇st) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English strang akin to ….LEANING - noun Date: 15th century a definite but not decisive attraction or tendency, Synonyms: see: ~.More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «STRONG LEANING» in dictionaries.

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